
Probably you also became accustomed to use Cannabis like other Drugs (Caffeine, Tabaco or Alcohol) on a regular basis and thereby forgot or never realized what special plant this is.

Are you aware, that your body possesses its own internal endocannabinoid system (ECS) within your brain?

This ECS influences neuronal synaptic communication and affects biological functions like eating, anxiety, learning, memory, reproduction, metabolism, growth and development.

The use of Cannabis is documented over 5’000 years back and besides its versitile practical and medical applications this plant offers much more. It contains a natural stimulant or even its own spirit called Santa Maria. As Bob Marley stated “When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself”. Therefore, it’s no wonder that some contries start to legalize it, while cultures respect and celebrate this sacred plant, since the beginning of humanity. Because it simply seams, like a special divine gift.

But like with every drug the state of mind you are in while consuming, makes all the difference. So that’s why we want to guide you, to find a more intention driven conscious way of consumption.


Rituals, you may think of as activities you regularly repeat, according to a given pattern. But in generally you are completely free on how to do things. So that’s what we try to present you with here, kind of a guideline or inspiration on finding your own ways on how to consume more consciously and thereby reach a more [ enter your own superlative ;) ] experience.

In the context of substance intake, you may heard of Ayahuasca or Psilocybin rituals, where a Shaman will do most of the work for you and also trip-sit you during your experience. While we recommend this for more potent drugs, Cannabis consumption does not have such strong effects and can relativly safely be practiced on your own or with some friends.


The first thing to have a fruitful ritual, which serves your intention is, to have an INTENTION. Something you wish to achieve, solve or get out of this ritual.

To give you an idea, we prepared different rituals fitted to intentions. Thereby we want to inspire you, to come up with your own ritual, that fits your needs.

We recommend that you write down your Intention and share it with participants during the Invitation, before the Ritual. So they as well can prepare their mindset for what is intended to happen.

Set & Setting

Set and Setting is a term we took from psychedelic experiences, which describes the combination of yourself and your surroundings, that will influence your experience.

Set describes your inner mindset, your mental stage consisting of all your thoughts and experiences that you bring with you to the Ritual.

Setting describes all other influences from your physical and social environment which can influence your experience.

These don’t play such a big role, like they will while using more potent drugs, but make sure you do Cannabis Rituals on a positive mindset. Also chose a surrounding which allows you, to tune out of your daily habit and focus on what you intended and desired to achieve.


The start of a ritual is important, to make sure that all participants are tuned in and can start to focus on your ritual. Beforehand maybe different rolls depending on the ritual will be assigned to participants, they are called to prepare themselves and gether.

According to the setting, the place where you hold your ritual, is prepared as well. Take care that it’s not a complete mess ;) have respekt for the JOINT MAGIC and SANTA MARIA. Maybe you like to put on some gentle background music and light some candles, what ever rocks your secret place.

Welcome all the participants, repeat the set intention for the ritual and explain the planed process steps or ceremonial if you so want.

Before you dive into the Ritual maybe take a moment of silence, where everyone can collect themselves and pray for a great experience.

The Joint Magic can be prepared beforehand or the herbs can be praised, grinded and tubed as a part of the ritual. Make sure that before lighting the Joint you praise Santa Maria the spirit of the Cannabis plant to come to you and bless your ritual.

Go throu Levels

While the Ritual is running, just go with the flow and don’t care to much about any written rules and put yours and the groups enjointment, as well as the Intention in your focus.

If you use several Joints, like 5 you get out of one JOINT MAGIC, during the course of your Ritual, we recommend that you use every lighting of a new joint, to make sure everyone is fine and to bring the ritual to a new level.

Please pay special attention on your smoking. Before you inhale remember the intention and ask the spirit of Santa Maria to come into you and show you your answers. Than inhale her wisdom with closed eyes into your lungs and keep it there for a moment, while you wait for your answer in a calm mind. Then slowly exhale all the smoke and relax your body, before you share and elaborate your findings with the group.


At the end of the Ritual make sure to take some time to reconsider your experience and share or write down what insights you got form the ritual and may in some form want to integrate into your life. Also don’t forget to thank all the participants for their voluntary contributions.